“A group of songwriters singing their songs in turn.” The strict definition of a Writers Round or “In the round” is a group of songwriters in a circle taking turns singing their songs. One writer sings a song and then the next sings a song and so on. They just go around the circle playing in turn. Also known as writers’ rounds, they are typically a group of 2 to 5 songwriters who gather together to tell the behind-the-scenes stories of how their hit songs came to life and then perform their original songs acoustically.
In true Art House Music style, we bring two of our own Carleton Place singer-songwriters, Brock Zeman and Don Bray to the stage. Together they have 84 years’ experience writing songs & performing them outside of the shower.
Come and experience an evening of music, fun and laughter while Brock and Don duke it out with songs, stories and guitars. It will be an evening to remember!
Show your e-ticket at Stalwart Brewing Company (10 High St.) between 5 an 6 pm on concert night, for a free half-pint. Local tastes will be sold by The Orange Berry Company at the gallery before the concert.